Acne Treatment - Products and Methods

Acne is a problem that affects many people, but fortunately there are a variety of products and methods available to help. Whether you're looking for a home remedy or an over-the-counter product to help keep breakouts under control or you are looking for a way to minimize the appearance of acne scars, there are many options available to you.


For many people with mild acne, or those who suffer from periodic breakouts or blemishes, home remedies for acne can be very effective. Everyday products such as lemon juice, mint, and cinnamon can be applied to blemishes to help diminish and dry them. Aloe vera and cloves of garlic may be able to help blemishes; the composition of these plants promotes healing.
Other home treatments include dabbing toothpaste on blemishes overnight or applying witch hazel over the affected area(s). As with any treatment, the results of home solutions vary. If your acne doesn't improve with home treatment, you may want to try a stronger natural or over-the-counter product.

Natural Products

If you prefer natural skin care, you may want to try one of the many products available today that are based on natural substances or a natural method of treating your acne.

Tea Tree Oil

One popular is derived from tea tree oil. Found in both a concentrated form as well as in many acne facial washes and other products, tea tree oil promotes healing and has natural antiseptic properties that have proven effective for a variety of individuals.

Buying Natural Acne Remedies

Many skin care lines market and distribute natural acne remedies, including the following:
ArbonneBurt's BeesZenMedDesert EssenceTreating Acne Through Diet
Although the claims that foods such as pizza and chocolate cause acne have been deemed as myths in recent times, most skin care experts agree that a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and lean protein sources is beneficial to those with acne-prone skin. Drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water per day is also recommended to help flush impurities from your body; this may have a direct effect on acne as well.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

For people with moderate acne, over-the-counter can often clear their skin. Drug store acne remedies are sold in creams, gels, sticks, washes, masks, and other forms, but typically contain one or more of the following ingredients:

Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is considered a very effective acne agent. It is an antiseptic agent that has a drying effect, which is beneficial for getting rid of blemishes, but may not work for those with sensitive skin. Over-the-counter concentrations are typically found in 10 percent strength or less.Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid unclogs pores and breaks down the cycle of bacterial growth that causes pimples.Sulfur: Sulfur is used in acne masks, spot treatments, and other products to heal and prevent acne without over-drying the skin.Medical Treatments
For acne that is severe or persistent, and certain conditions such as cystic acne, medical treatments may fare better than over-the-counter products. Physicians can prescribe benzoyl peroxide in higher concentrations, which may provide the effectiveness some acne sufferers need.
Other medical includes antibiotic creams or pills, tretinoin (brand name Retin-A), and isotretinoin (brand name, Accutane). Be sure to discuss the side effects of any with your doctor first. Accutane in particular has a severe side effect -- it has the potential to cause birth defects if a woman becomes pregnant while on the medication.

Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scar treatment is available to those who are plagued from unsightly marks from past breakouts. The treatment you need will depend on the severity of scarring. For light scars, simply applying a concealer or using a non-comedogenic over-the counter scar treatment may be all you need.
Other options for scarring include:
Chemical peelsLaser or light therapyDermabrasion or microdermabrasionCollagen injectionsSurgery (for deep scars)Find the Right Product for You
Since not everyone has the same skincare needs, it may take some time to find the product that best suits your needs. You may need to try several options before finding the ideal treatment. If you have a serious acne problem, it may be best to consult your dermatologist before you begin experimenting with different treatments.

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